(Proje Avcısı) "Career Transition Between Academia and Industry" konulu çevrimiçi konferans, 15 Kasım 2024

Değerli Araştırmacılar,

MSCA Bursiyerleri sizi kariyer geçiş süreçlerine hazırlıyor. Üç değerli konuşmacının yer alacağı çevrimiçi konferans, sizlere geleneksel araştırmanın ötesine geçerek düşünmenin yollarını gösterecek. Katılım için kayıt zorunludur. 

Tarih: 15 Kasım 2024
Saat: 15:30-16:30 CET (17:30-18:30 TR Saati)
Kayıt Linki: https://shorturl.at/KhvmI 
Toplantı Kimliği: 999 3538 4941
Şifre: 606372

  • What difficulties to overcome whilst job hunting?
  • What are the first couple of months in the private sector like?
  • What skills gained during an MSCA-PF can be very useful in industry?
  • How to collaborate with new colleagues who have a different background?

Prof.  Süreyya Akyüz, Chair, Career Development Working Group, Dept of Mathematics, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey


Dr. Zeynep Karatza

Dr. Karatza completed an MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, where she studied the thermomechanical response of concrete tunnel linings in fire conditions. She then transitioned to industry and is currently a consultant at OTM A.T.E., a geotechnical firm in Athens,Greece.

Dr. Paraskevi Yiouta-Mitra

Dr. Yiouta-Mitra, from the Tunnelling Laboratory, School of Mining and Metallurgy, National Technical University of Athens, will facilitate the webinar. She is a member of the MCAA Career Development Working Group and works with the International Tunnelling Association’s Sprayed Concrete Lining and Sustainability-Task Force EDI. She specializes in underground works support.

Dr. Ilaria Sanzari 

Dr. Sanzari is a Postdoc Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno,Italy. She specializes in nanotechnology, particularly the application of nanomaterials in AgriTech and biomedical industries. She earned her PhD in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Southampton,focusing on nanogels for cardiac cell stimulation. After her PhD,she worked as a Deep Tech Consultant at TTP Plc in Cambridge for almost five years.

Son Güncelleme : 13.11.2024 11:03 Okunma Sayısı : 107

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